Вибіркові дисципліни для спеціальності “Філологія” 2020/2021

Дисципліни вільного вибору

Спеціальність: 035 Філологія
Cпеціалізація “035.041 Філологія (Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно))”
Освітня програма: Англійська мова і література та друга іноземна мова
Курс   6  Семестр  11  Навчальний   рік   2021-2022   н.р.
Title of the Study Program English Philology (MA)
Title of the Course Cognitive Linguistics
Faculty, Department Faculty of Foreign Languages,Department of English
Instructor Prof. Dr. Nadia Yesypenko
Address Room 215, Department of English, Chernivtsi National University, 5, Sadova St., Chernivtsi 58003,e-mail: n.yesypenko@chnu.edu.ua
Language of Instruction English
Required Prerequisites BA in English Philology
Suggested Academic Cycle or Year of Studies MA studies (from 1st year of studies)
Semester Fall
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours per Week 2
Total number of hours 90 hours: 30contact     hours (lectures); 45 hours of individual students’ work
Compulsory/ Elective Elective
Methods of Teaching Lectures
Form of Assessment Accumulative grade(module test 1 – 20 points, module test 2- 20 points, report/presentation – 20 points)Final test – 40 points

  Course Description
The course aims at introducing students to basic notions of cognitive linguistics. It provides a short historic background of the origin of the science. The course allows students to spot the difference between traditional semantics and cognitive semantics. Some basic mental structures to represent human knowledge are under analysis. Students will be acquainted with the prototype theory by E.Rosch and the theory of metaphorical thinking by George Lakoff. The students get into frame analysis and cultural concept analysis. They learn about the worldview, its elements and forms. Students become aware of culture-specific world-view of the British, American and Ukrainian people. Topics of the course in the spring semester:

  1. Cognitive linguistics: history of its development, aims and methods
  2. Basic notions of cognitive linguistics
  3. Definition of a concept, types of mental units
  4. Cultural concept and its embodiment in language
  5. Conceptualization and categorization
  6. Cultural conceptualizations and their forms
  7. Schemas and their types
  8. Lexical concepts in texts
  9. The notion of ‘worldview’
  10. The worldview and mentality
  11. Cultural concepts of the British and Americans
  12. Cognitive semantics
  13. Prototype theory (E.Rosch)
  14. Metaphors (George Lakoff)
Title of the Study Program English Philology (MA)
Title of the Course Gender Studies
Faculty, Department Faculty of Foreign Languages,Department of English
Instructor Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Kolesnyk
Address Room 215, Department of English, Chernivtsi National University, 5, Sadova St., Chernivtsi 58003,e-mail: n.yesypenko@chnu.edu.ua
Language of Instruction English
Required Prerequisites BA in English Philology
Suggested Academic Cycle or Year of Studies MA studies (from 1st year of studies)
Semester Fall
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours per Week 2
Total number of hours 90 hours: 30contact     hours (lectures); 45 hours of individual students’ work
Compulsory/ Elective Elective
Methods of Teaching Lectures
Form of Assessment Accumulative grade(module test 1 – 20 points, module test 2- 20 points, report/presentation – 20 points)Final test – 40 points

Course Description

Students will have basic knowledge of and insight into the field of women’s and gender studies. The lectures will focus on factors of identity making such as gender, class, race, age, and sexuality. Students will have the academic skills to:

Explore social and cultural relations in today’s globalised societies, in an interdisciplinary manner;

Develop and implement sustainable perspectives in emancipation policies, diversity management, cultural initiatives, and political activism;

Critically investigate power differences and processes of inclusion/exclusion, discrimination, and emancipation;

Reflect on how academic, cultural, artistic, journalistic, and policy-making institutions respond to societal challenges.

1.     The formation of social identities

2.     Power differences in our globalised and mediatised world

3.     Discrimination and exclusion

4.     Gender, race, class, sexuality and age contribute in modern society

5.     Emancipation

6.     Social and cultural relations in today’s societies

7.     Academic, cultural, artistic, journalistic, and policy-making institutions and modern societal challenges

8.     Development of emancipation policies

9.     Diversity management

10.  Cultural initiatives and political activism

Форма для голосування: https://forms.gle/M4UjTGA3ykE6XN8TA Результати вибору: Вибіркові дисципліни (11 семестр, Філологія) (Відповіді)

Дисципліни вільного вибору
Ступінь вищої освіти: Бакалавр
Спеціальність: 035 Філологія
Спеціалізація:  035.041 Філологія (Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша – англійська
Освітня програма: Англійська мова і література та друга іноземна мова


Курс   3  Семестр   6   Навчальний   рік   2020-2021   н.р.

Аналіз художнього тексту

Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Гнатковська О.М.

Course description:

The course of literary text analysis teaches students to understand, evaluate, analyze and respond critically to works of fiction. There is a particular focus on what the author tries to accomplish within a text and on elements that work together in a text for a certain purpose. Literary texts are explored in terms of genre peculiarities, themes and ideas, points of view and character variety, plot structure, and diction idiosyncrasy. A crucial aspect of the course is evaluating the quality of the text language on different levels . The course is a valuable elective as it will enable the students to enjoy works of fiction by modern authors, develop their critical analysis skills necessary for successful research papers and contribute to students’ preparation to a state examination. 

The course book will walk students step by step through the process of literary text analysis to: 

  • introduce them to the main approaches and principles of literary text analysis;
  • develop their close reading and critical reflection skills;
  • strengthen their ability to identify the genre and point of view, formulate themes, ideas and messages, analyze plot and conflict; 
  • help them to interpret and explain the author’s choice of words and syntactic structures, the meaningfulness of symbolic and figurative language;
  • inspire them to demonstrate their personal understanding of the text and refine their writing skills.

Literary text analysis classes will provide an active learning environment that encourages group discussion, teamwork, independent study and creative thinking.

Course book: An Introduction to Literary Text Analysis: Навчальний посібник / Укл. О.М. Гнатковська, І.В. Сапожник. – Чернівці, 2020. – 107 с.

 Творче письмо

Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Гнатковська О.М.

Course description:

Writing is a process of inventing new worlds or characters and making them real through powerful images that hold the readers’ attention and appeal to their emotions. One doesn’t have to be a genius to become a writer, but knowledge of the elements of writing, hard work and practice are indispensable. 

The aim of the creative writing course is to reinforce the students’ writing skills and show them how to enhance their writing performance. The skills and strategies are presented in a systematic format and provide means for direct application. A variety of writing forms and purposes are included (e.g. narrative, descriptive, reflective, persuasive etc.) and illustrated by excerpts from contemporary or classical sources. The course also provides students with the tools necessary to make writing improvement easy. 


Learning outcomes include preparing a polished and revised samples of creative writing (through a series of exercises and drafts) and critically evaluating their own and others’ written material. Students will learn how to stimulate their creativity and find inspiration; brainstorm and plan their writing; structure, shape and connect their thoughts in order to create meaningful pieces of writing using language effectively. The course views drafting, proofreading and editing as essential for building the writer’s confidence. 

Choosing the course of creative writing, you will approach writing as an art that stirs up imagination, critical and creative thinking, fosters enthusiasm and inspiration.


Course book: Evans V. Successful Writing. Upper-Intermediate. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2009. 135 p.


Еволюція парадигм сучасної англійської мови 

Викладач: к.ф.н., асист. Соловйова О.В.

Course description:

The course ‘Paradigms Evolution of the English Language’ aims to arm students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to analyze and comprehend changes in all systems of the English language from the earliest written records to the present day. Students will also be encouraged to explore paradigms of the English language concerning cultural, political, and social analysis which will allow them to relate changes in the structure of English to the sociocultural contexts.

The course structure is intended to enable students to Modern English Grammar, Lexicon, and Phonological system and historical ideas as effectively as possible in the investigation of their establishment and continuous evolution. An interdisciplinary approach is embedded in the course, with dedicated classes to Morphological, Lexical, and Phonological peculiarities of the English Language.

This course sets the groundwork for further studying such courses as Semantics, Cultural Studies, Theoretical Grammar enabling students to bring in historical perspective into a linguistic investigation. Students will work on developing a critical understanding of different and sometimes conflicting approaches to the study of the history of the English language. Students will be required to analyze textual material of the Old English, Middle English, and Early Modern English periods and the salient linguistic characteristics of each period.

Course book: 

Соловйова О.В. History of the English Language. – Чернівці, 2019. – 112 с. (Затверджено Вченою радою ЧНУ).

Історія англійської мови 

Викладач: к.ф.н., асист. Соловйова О.В.

Course description:

The course ‘A History of the English Language’ aims to arm students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to understand all systems of the English language from the earliest written records to the present day, their peculiarities, changes, and factors that influence their development. Each period (Old, Middle, and Early Modern) is considered firstly within the framework of its political, social, and important scientific events, as a next step phonological, lexical, and grammatical systems are described in interconnection with one another.

The course structure is intended to enable students to analyze texts of different periods, to read and understand language material of each period, and to dwell upon different language laws and phenomena. An interdisciplinary approach is embedded in the course, with dedicated classes to Morphological, Lexical, and Phonological peculiarities of the English Language.


This course sets the groundwork for further studying such courses as Semantics, Cultural Studies, Theoretical Grammar, Text Analysis enabling students to bring in historical perspective into a linguistic investigation. Students will work on developing a critical understanding of different and sometimes conflicting approaches to the study of the history of the English language.


Course book: 

Верба Л. Г. Історія англійської мови: посібник для студентів та викладачів вищих навч. закладів. Вінниця: Нова книга, 2004. 304 с.

 Результати голосування студентів 3 курсу весняний семестр  2020/2021 н.р.  



Курс   5  Семестр   10   Навчальний   рік   2020-2021   н.р.



Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Суродейкіна Т.В.

Опис курсу:

Лекції з курсу спрямовані на ознайомлення студентів з предметом новітньої англомовної літератури, його завданнями та проблематикою, з деякими ключовими поняттями, що є релевантними для філологічної діяльності. Особлива увага приділяється формуванню навичок самостійного критичного мислення, вміння інтерпретації інформації, що уможливлює адекватне сприйняття текстів різних літературних течій та шкіл.

Наукові роботи з новітньої літератури мають на меті контроль знань з цієї дисципліни, перевірку вміння студента критично осмислювати художню літературу, розкрити обрану тему, логічно та лінгвістично грамотно викласти свої думки. Вони розглядають актуальні проблеми літературознавства, які не знайшли достатнього висвітлення у наукових працях.

Мета навчальної дисципліни: ознайомити студентів факультету іноземних мов із новітньою періодизацією англомовної літератури; розкрити особливості кожного періоду стосовно його зародження та розвитку; встановити та пояснити стилі, течії та напрямки на різних рівнях розвитку літератури.

Підвищення рівня підготовки студентів із новітньої англомовної літератури сприятиме науковому розумінню теоретичних основ вивчення літератури сьогодення на рівні сучасного статусу науки про літератури, а також навчить студентів робити порівняльний аналіз та розбиратись у творчості авторів та літературних віяннях.



Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Суродейкіна Т.В.

Опис курсу:

Лекції з курсу спрямовані на ознайомлення студентів з предметом сучасної англомовної (британської та американської) поезії, його завданнями, проблематикою та ключовими поняттями.

Особлива увага приділяється формуванню навичок самостійного критичного мислення, вміння інтерпретації інформації, що уможливлює адекватне сприйняття текстів різних літературних течій та шкіл в історично-культурному аспекті. На перше місце висувається постать автора та його прагматичні настанови.

Дипломні роботи з сучасної англомовної поезії мають на меті перевірку вміння студента критично осмислювати поетичні тексти, розкрити обрану тему, логічно та лінгвістично грамотно викласти свої думки. Вони розглядають актуальні проблеми поетики, які не знайшли достатнього висвітлення у наукових працях.

Мета навчальної дисципліни: ознайомити студентів факультету іноземних мов із сучасною періодизацією поезії в рамках англомовної літератури; розкрити особливості кожного періоду стосовно його зародження та розвитку; встановити та пояснити стилі, течії та напрямки на різних рівнях розвитку літератури.

Лінгвістичний аналіз англомовного літературного твору

Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Суродейкіна Т.В.

Course description:

The course of literary text analysis teaches students to understand, evaluate, analyze and respond critically to works of fiction. There is a particular focus on what the author tries to accomplish within a text and on elements that work together in a text for a certain purpose. Literary texts are explored in terms of genre peculiarities, themes and ideas, points of view and character variety, plot structure, and diction idiosyncrasy. A crucial aspect of the course is evaluating the quality of the text language on different levels . The course is a valuable elective as it will enable the students to enjoy works of fiction by modern authors, develop their critical analysis skills necessary for successful research papers and contribute to students’ preparation to a state examination.

The course book will walk students step by step through the process of literary text analysis to:

o   introduce them to the main approaches and principles of literary text analysis;

o   develop their close reading and critical reflection skills;

o   strengthen their ability to identify the genre and point of view, formulate themes, ideas and messages, analyze plot and conflict;

o   help them to interpret and explain the author’s choice of words and syntactic structures, the meaningfulness of symbolic and figurative language;

o   inspire them to demonstrate their personal understanding of the text and refine their writing skills.

Literary text analysis classes will provide an active learning environment that encourages group discussion, teamwork, independent study and creative thinking.


Результати голосування студентів 5 курсу весняний семестр  2020/2021 н.р.




Сучасні методи наукових досліджень


Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Лопатюк Н.І.


Course description: If you have fallen in love with philology and already decided to devote your life to studying languages, do take this course. This is an integrative course combining what you have learnt with what you still have to learn in detail.

The course aims at getting students to know modern research methods in linguistics from the point of view of their applicability in the correspondent field of interest. Students are to learn to differentiate between general and special methods of data retrieving and processing and to be able to practically apply them in their research.

Students will learn how to determine the subject, do planning and specify the methodology; how to collect, process and interpret data. It goes without saying that students will get the information on the most modern theories within whose framework the research may be conducted. The points to be discussed are the following: General Methods of Obtaining and Processing Linguistic Data. The method of Corpus Analysis. The structure of and the search procedure in the British National Corpus. Structural grammatical theories. Noam Chomsky and Generative Linguistics. Generative Grammar: general characteristics. Phrase-structure rules in Generative Grammar. Transformational Grammar: the main assumption. The basic problems of Transformational Grammar. Transformational rules / operations: general characteristics. The basic types of transformational operations. The notions of “deep” structure and “surface” structure in Transformational Grammar. The notions of “kernel” and “derived” sentences in Transformational Grammar. Functional approach VS categorical / structural approach. Syntagmatic functional relations. The kinds of dependency marking. Coordination. The case of cross-dependency coordination. The dependencies between the verb and the noun phrases: the levels of operating. The verb and its logical arguments. The origin and trends of Text Linguistics. The standards / principles of textuality (coherence, cohesion, intentionality, acceptibility, informativity, contextuality and intertextuality). Discourse Analysis.   Speech Act Theory. Linguistic Pragmatics. Semasiology and onomasiology as linguistic disciplines. The method of componential analysis. The functional-semantic (lexico-grammatical) field analysis.

After completing the course you are sure to become an up-and-coming researcher !!!


Організація наукового дослідження за принципами доброчесності


Викладач: к.ф.н., доц. Лопатюк Н.І.



Course description: If you have already decided to become a researcher, do take this course. This is an integrative course combining the information about modern research methods in linguistics from the point of view of their applicability in the correspondent field of interest and how to do it fairly. Students are to learn to differentiate between general and special methods of data retrieving and processing and to be able to practically apply them in their research.

The course aims at getting students to know how to structure their research properly, what the outlay of the material should be according to the correspondent requirements; what the main principes of fair dealing are; how to deal with materials which are copyright protected.

Students will learn how to determine the subject, do planning and specify the methodology; how to collect, process and interpret data. Students will get the information on the most modern theories within whose framework the research may be conducted. The points to be discussed are the following: The General structure of the research. The outlay of the material. General Methods of Obtaining and Processing Linguistic Data. The method of Corpus Analysis. Structural grammatical theories. Text Linguistics. Discourse Analysis. Speech Act Theory. Linguistic Pragmatics. Semasiology and onomasiology. The method of componential analysis. The functional-semantic (lexico-grammatical) field analysis. The purpose of the use (non-commercial research and/or private study). The fair use of the materials. The notion of giving credit to the author.


After completing the course you are sure to become a researcher who is never to be accused of infringing copyright laws.



Результати голосування студентів 5 курсу весняний семестр  2020/2021 н.р.



Опис вибіркових дисциплін спеціальність «Філологія» 2020



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