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Програма іспиту:

Програма ЕК 4 курс_ФІЛОЛОГІЯ_ 2024

Програма ЕК 4 курс_СЕРЕДНЯ ОСВІТА_2024

Питання до державного іспиту

для 4 курсу (спеціальності ФІЛОЛОГІЯ) стаціонарної форми навчання

1. Dwell on the psychological aspects of language teaching.
2. Dwell on the main approaches to teaching different age groups.
3. Outline the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching.
4. Dwell on errors correction techniques in TEFL.
5. Outline the most effective assessment strategies in TEFL.
6. Dwell on the types and structure of an English lesson.
7. Outline the strategies for improving learner’s speaking skills.
8. Dwell on the strategies for improving listening comprehension skills.
9. Outline the techniques for teaching reading.
10. Outline the techniques for teaching writing.
11. Stylistics as a science, its roots and development as a linguistic discipline.
12. The Interrelation of the register, genre and styles in Stylistics. Key features of functional styles.
13. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary (literary vocabulary vs colloquial vocabulary).
14. The transposition of notional and auxiliary parts of speech in English.
15. Classification of phraseological units and their decomposition.
16. Expressive means in English and classification of stylistic devices.
17. Phonetic stylistic devices and graphic expressive means in a text.
18. Distinguishing features of lexical stylistic devices.
19. Identifying characteristics of syntactic stylistic devices.
20. A narrative and types of point of view in a narrative.
21. Words of native origin in English.
22. Borrowings in English.
23. Word structure in English.
24. Productive ways of word-formation.
25. Non-productive ways of word-formation.
26. Word meaning and approaches to it: denotational and connotational meaning.
27. Polysemy in English.
28. Homonyms and their classifications.
29. Synonyms and their classifications.
30. Antonyms and their classifications.
31. Regional variants and dialects of Modern English.
32. Grammatical categories and grammatical forms.
33. Analytic and synthetic languages.
34. English nouns and their grammatical properties.
35. English adjectives and their grammatical properties.
36. English verbs and their grammatical properties.
37. English pronouns and their classification
38. Parts of a sentence in English.
39. The structural classification of sentences.
40. Classification of phrases in English.

для 4 курсу (спеціальності  Середня освіта) стаціонарної форми навчання

1. Dwell on the psychological aspects of language teaching.
2. Dwell on the main approaches to teaching different age groups.
3. Outline the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching.
4. Dwell on errors correction techniques in TEFL.
5. Outline the most effective assessment strategies in TEFL.
6. Dwell on the types and structure of an English lesson.
7. Outline the strategies for improving learner’s speaking skills.
8. Dwell on the strategies for improving listening comprehension skills.
9. Outline the techniques for teaching reading.
10. Outline the techniques for teaching writing.
11. Dwell on inductive and deductive approach to teaching grammar.
12. Outline the most effective strategies for teaching vocabulary.
13. Dwell on the approaches to classroom management.
14. Dwell on the Grammar Translation Method.
15. Speak of the Principal Characteristics of the Direct Method.
16. Outline the Main Principles of the Communicative Method.
17. Stylistics as a science, its roots and development as a linguistic discipline.
18. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary (literary vocabulary vs colloquial vocabulary).
19. Expressive means in English and classification of stylistic devices.
20. Phonetic stylistic devices and graphic expressive means in a text.
21. Distinguishing features of lexical stylistic devices.
22. Identifying characteristics of syntactic stylistic devices.
23. Words of native origin in English
24. Borrowings in English.
25. Productive ways of word-formation.
26. Non-productive ways of word-formation.
27. Word meaning and approaches to it: denotational and connotational meaning
28. Homonyms and their classifications.
29. Synonyms and their classifications.
30. Conversion in English
31. Principles of the NUS (New Ukrainian School).
32. Practical ways of promoting 21st-century skills in teaching English.
33. The importance of incorporating values in teaching English.
34. Strategies for dealing with discipline issues in the EFL classroom.
35. Ways of preventing bullying in the EFL classroom.
36. Methods of enhancing primary school learners’ socio-cultural competence in teaching English.
37. Methods of enhancing secondary school learners’ socio-cultural competence in teaching English.
38. Types of extra-curricular activities aimed at primary school learners.
39. Types of extra-curricular activities aimed at secondary school learners.
40. Ways of conducting needs analysis in the EFL classroom.

для 4 курсу (спеціальності ФІЛОЛОГІЯ) заочної форми навчання

1. Dwell on the psychological aspects of language teaching.
2. Dwell on the main approaches to teaching different age groups.
3. Outline the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching.
4. Dwell on errors correction techniques in TEFL.
5. Outline the most effective assessment strategies in TEFL.
6. Dwell on the types and structure of an English lesson.
7. Outline the strategies for improving learner’s speaking skills.
8. Dwell on the strategies for improving listening comprehension skills.
9. Outline the techniques for teaching reading.
10. Outline the techniques for teaching writing.
11. Stylistics as a science, its roots and development as a linguistic discipline.
12. The Interrelation of the register, genre and styles in Stylistics. Key features of functional styles.
13. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary (literary vocabulary vs colloquial vocabulary).
14. The transposition of notional and auxiliary parts of speech in English.
15. Classification of phraseological units and their decomposition.
16. Expressive means in English and classification of stylistic devices.
17. Phonetic stylistic devices and graphic expressive means in a text.
18. Distinguishing features of lexical stylistic devices.
19. Identifying characteristics of syntactic stylistic devices.
20. A narrative and types of point of view in a narrative.
21. Words of native origin in English.
22. Borrowings in English.
23. Word structure in English.
24. Productive ways of word-formation.
25. Non-productive ways of word-formation.
26. Word meaning and approaches to it: denotational and connotational meaning.
27. Conversion in English.
28. Homonyms and their classifications.
29. Synonyms and their classifications.
30. Antonyms and their classifications.
31. Shortenings in English.
32. Grammatical categories and grammatical forms.
33. Analytic and synthetic languages.
34. English nouns and their grammatical properties.
35. English adjectives and their grammatical properties.
36. English verbs and their grammatical properties.
37. English pronouns and their classification
38. Parts of a sentence in English.
39. The structural classification of sentences.
40. Classification of phrases in English.

 для 4 курсу (спеціальності Середня освіта) заочної форми навчання

1. Dwell on the psychological aspects of language teaching.
2. Dwell on the main approaches to teaching different age groups.
3. Outline the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching.
4. Dwell on errors correction techniques in TEFL.
5. Outline the most effective assessment strategies in TEFL.
6. Dwell on the types and structure of an English lesson.
7. Outline the strategies for improving learner’s speaking skills.
8. Dwell on the strategies for improving listening comprehension skills.
9. Outline the techniques for teaching reading.
10. Outline the techniques for teaching writing.
11. Dwell on inductive and deductive approach to teaching grammar
12. Outline the most effective strategies for teaching vocabulary
13. Dwell on the approaches to classroom management
14.Dwell on the Grammar Translation Method.
15. Speak of the Principal Characteristics of the Direct Method.
16. Outline the Main Principles of the Communicative Method.
17. Stylistics as a science, its roots and development as a linguistic discipline.
18. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary (literary vocabulary vs colloquial vocabulary).
19. Expressive means in English and classification of stylistic devices.
20. Phonetic stylistic devices and graphic expressive means in a text.
21. Distinguishing features of lexical stylistic devices.
22. Identifying characteristics of syntactic stylistic devices.
23. Words of native origin in English
24. Borrowings in English.
25. Productive ways of word-formation.
26. Non-productive ways of word-formation.
27. Word meaning and approaches to it: denotational and connotational meaning
28. Homonyms and their classifications.
29. Synonyms and their classifications.
30. Conversion in English
31. Principles of the NUS (New Ukrainian School).
32. Practical ways of promoting 21st-century skills in teaching English.
33. The importance of incorporating values in teaching English.
34. Strategies for dealing with discipline issues in the EFL classroom.
35. Ways of preventing bullying in the EFL classroom.
36. Methods of enhancing primary school learners’ socio-cultural competence in teaching English.
37. Methods of enhancing secondary school learners’ socio-cultural competence in teaching English.
38. Types of extra-curricular activities aimed at primary school learners.
39. Types of extra-curricular activities aimed at secondary school learners.
40. Ways of conducting needs analysis in the EFL classroom.

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