Лекція проф.Альберта Рігельштайна для студентів 1 курсу спеціальностей “Філологія” та “Середня освіта” на тему “Історія США”

27.09.22 відбулася лекція проф. Альберта Рігельштайна для студентів 1 курсу денної форми навчання, спеціальностей “Філологія” та “Середня освіта” на тему “Історія США”. Студенти обох спеціальностей мали можливість поглибити свої знання у відповідній темі, подискутувати та розширити свою соціокультурну компетентність.

Відгуки студентів:
Катерина Селезень 111 група
1. Rigelstein is a very educated person.
2. He knows a lot of information and that is very commendable.
3. I would like to listen to his lecture again.
4. He is interesting and looks good.
Москалик Ірина 113 група
It was a really interesting and unusual meeting. I really enjoyed listening to Albert Ringlestein’s stories. I learned a lot about various things while listening to him. Thank you for this opportunity.
Ісарук Ліана 111 група
to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that I would have the opportunity to listen to a Native American conference. It was a good opportunity to practice my listening skills; I am really satisfied with that.
Москаль Анастасія 113 група
Лекція справді сподобалась, було цікаво та захоплююче послухати професора та познайомитись з історією США. Сподіваюсь, в подальшому будуть ще такі події!
Шершень Римма 111 група
It was a very interesting experience for me because I was able to hear a lecture from an American professor. I learned a lot of interesting and useful information and somewhat improved my understanding of English.
Марущак Ілона 113 група
after the zoom meeting with Albert Ringelstein, I learned a lot, and I became interested in the history of the United States of America
in fact, I believe that educated people should be primarily interested in their history, but not forget that history is interconnected with the past of other countries, especially with such a large-scale country as the United States.
Горяк Евеліна 111 група
I really liked yesterday’s lecture. It was very interesting to learn about the history of the United States and the professor clearly told us about the important points. I am satisfied with the lecture. Thanks to him!

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