Лекція професора Альберт Рінгельштайн для студентів першого курсу спеціальності “Філологія”

11 жовтня 2021 проф. Альберт Рінгельштайн, представник американської програми імені Фулбрайта, читав лекцію  для студентів першого курсу спеціальності “Філологія”. Студенти кафедри мали змогу отримати цікаву і корисну інформацію про історію та культуру США, ключові моменти розвитку держави та видатних особистостей, які на власному прикладі показали, що історія – це не минуле, а сьогодення, яке варто творити. Питання лекції були не лише інформативними, а й надзвичайно захоплюючими, оскільки студенти ще 50 хв після закінчення лекції активно дискутували з проф.Рінгельштайном. Першокурсники не тільки почерпнули нові знання, а й здобули досвід спілкування з висококваліфікованим фахівцем і носієм мови водночас.

Студенти першого курсу поділились враженнями від лекції:

Даша Тодерішина (112 група): The lecture turned out to be really informative and enlightening. It was dedicated to  American history, particularly the Seven Years’ War, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States and the political system of America in the 18th century.
I greatly enjoyed that experience as I enriched my knowledge both in history and English,
two birds in one stone. Also, we were free to ask any questions and we eagerly used that opportunity to discuss some more interesting topics with the professor.

To my mind, such lectures are definitely worth attending.

Семен Антонюк (113 група): I liked the lecture. It was very interesting to hear the native speaker. And also to learn more about the American Revolution.

Корчак Дарина (113 група): It was a really useful and informative meeting. Teacher’s professionalism and the ability to present information in an exciting way is the ideal combination. After that meeting, I actually know more about the history of the USA. I hope we will have more meetings in the future because it was cool.

Kateryna Zavialets (Group 111): I have no words to express my gratitude! Perhaps, the main thing to say is that this meeting became a great experience for me as for a student of the department of foreign languages. Doubtless, listening to the native speaker and understanding nearly everything the professor said made me more confident and inspired me to work even harder.
Moreover, it was a good chance to broaden my knowledge of American history and culture, which is an undividable part of learning the language.

Andrii Boicheniuk (Group 111): The conference was informative. I really enjoyed listening to the history of the USA. I would add that I have forgotten about the electoral college and the republican unions though I studied it during AP US History in Michigan. It was a great and productive lecture despite the fact that it was online. The majority of us was that into the topic that we had continued the conversation with the professor 50 minutes after the end of the lecture. So, I was satisfied to have such an opportunity.

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